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Amanda talks about: Food

Take Off Team

A great and helpful group topic recently was food and mood and how eating well can improve anxiety.

Our digestive system produces over 90% of our happy hormone serotonin
Having a healthy digestive system ensures we’re able to absorb the vitamins, minerals and nutrients our brain needs to thrive.

Fermented foods can give the good bacteria in our gut a boost assisting with serotonin production, these include kefir, kimchi, yoghurt, kombucha, sauerkraut and anything pickled.

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Omega 3 deficiency is linked to low mood as these fatty acids make up 30% of our brain tissue. Eating more oily fish, seeds and seed oils such as flax, rape, hemp and pumpkin can have a positive effect on how well our brain cells function and communicate with each other and the rest of the body.




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